Meredith Sue Willis

Meredith Sue Willis

Meredith Sue Willis comes from a long line of teachers. She gives writing classes at New York University, at various conferences and schools, and online. She is the author of fiction for adults and children as well as books on how to teach writing, including her Montemayor Press revised edition of Blazing Pencils and Ten Strategies to Write Your Novel. Her fiction for adults includes most recently Their Houses (WVU Press) and Out of the Mountains (Ohio University Press). Her first novel, A Space Apart, published by Charles Scribner’s Sons, has a new edition at Irene Weinberger Books, and her children’s novels first published by Harpercollins have new editions at Montemayor Press. She has received many grants and awards, including a National Endowment for the Arts Literary Fellowship. Born and raised in West Virginia, she now lives in New Jersey near New York City. For more information about Meredith Sue Willis, visit her Web site.